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Jubilee! now available!

Jubilee! is now available as a Kindle book and a paperback on Amazon!


Michael Cadnum, Novelist and Poet, has re-built and re-opened his web site! Please visit www.MichaelCadnum.com to see what is new!

My Eyes

With my eyes, I do not see everything.
There is so much in the time between isn’t
And is that I will never know.

Wondrous times of becoming,
Inchoate and virgin,
Mysterious and energetic.

But among us, I know there are those that do participate
In the birth of dawn, rising in the breath between heartbeats,
Each marvelous morning.

And witness the shift of winter to spring
In the way light changes focus in the
Prism of the sky.

As for me,

Last night it snowed,
This morning it rained,
This afternoon while my bedroom window burned
With the sun’s brilliant metallic fire
The trees out back unfolded their first green buds.

In hours, there will be more.
Tomorrow there will be leaves
And in a few days I will not be able to see through

The trees at all.

Lost Coast Review Fall 2014


Gather the darkness, gather the blankets, the pillow,
your thoughts; allow the roseate paper cut images

wander in conversation,
speak with you.

Allow yourself to
become part of the conversation,
become part of the story,
become part of the


Attention gets hungry but doesn’t get homesick. 

Attention has a center but it has no bounds. It might be the eye of a storm. It certainly has no master but it is quite easily seduced.

It, by nature, is curious and fearless, sometimes fool-hearty and often gets lost.

And there are persons and things that will set traps for Attention with interest. 

Attention will gobble up interesting things, sex, money or more attention. Nothing gets your Attention like attention.

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like and what would happen if my Attention wandered away from me and never came back.

Supposing, one day, it pushed out the screen door and into the night. 

It won’t get cold, not even in the coldest night air- but it will ask a bug whether it gets cold.

What if it never came back? Perhaps, because it got lost or perhaps because it found a better home.

And there are people who are so hungry for attention, so it certainly could end up on someone’s plate. 

But there, I take comfort in Imagination.

Imagination and Attention are not the same, though they both tend to go off by themselves. 

While Attention will look around for something to do, Imagination will build a campfire and feast on some enormous bird.

Attention can easily be fooled or confused; it is Imagination that does the fooling and confusing.

So, I know if my Attention wanders off, it will most likely fall prey to my Imagination and though they may never come home again, at least they are together.

God on High

I always believed that my father had a connection with God on High
when he spoke I shook

there was knowledge behind the unfairness and illogic in his words
couldn’t be otherwise, he was in cahoots with the one who knew

and there would be understanding, salvation in his arms if I took him at his word
I would know heaven and never see hell

but as I grew, I saw him shake at my words as I shook at his
and learned that both he and I were simply hoping for the best

Red Dress

Run, Red Dress, run
Run to him

Down the hall,
‘Round the corner,
Through the door
To his bed.

Let your tongue dance
On his cheek and lips

Dance slow wind
Speak hot breath

Bear him away on waves of kisses and
Deliver him again and again.

Lost Coast Review Fall 2014