This Strange Night Too Dark

There he is again
In the moonlight outside her window
Watching, never leaning closer, never touching.

This Strange Night Too Dark

There he is again
In the moonlight outside her window
Watching, never leaning closer, never touching.

Simple Changes

I watched the door close,
Heard its soft click.
My eyes sear,
I see as the wind feels.

My friends speak to me
Using words bent,
Screwed and
Wound through
Steel forming machines.

I answer with
Tire nuts and
Spaghetti ladles;
It is all the same to me.

Tears Gather Flowers Follow (2014.05.03)

It is a bluing evening on the waterfront
Blind cliffs by my shoulder black
Hasty footprints in the soft, damp sand
Painted flowers and the memory of her tears.