The rain comes late in the day,
Kissing the sidewalk and combing the lawns,
Pattering at my windows and doors.
In my room, I sit
On my bed to smell
The air, and listen to the
Gentle footfalls of rain
As elfin feet trip on my roof,
Tipple down the tin gutter
Rattle in the old pipes, drum in the barrels, and
Drop by drop purl in a pool outside my window.
This is remarkable music!
I gather my old Les Paul to my lap and let my fingers
Race with the rain as it sprints through the gutters to the many accidental
Flowers outside my home. I fly through my own rain soaked dream of leaves and
Leprechauns marking each step as soft elfin shoes race up and down the stairs of my home.
What a ride, what a thrill, to slide the bannister all the way down to the door!
The rain song quickens, my foot keeps up the pace and
I answer each ringing drop and ripple with strains from my guitar.
And I look to see, yes, I see the elves are getting up to dance,
Bright and rowdy proud, they are,
Getting up to dance to this music!
Somehow, my fingers catch hold of a single note,
It quavers in my hands, a small flame,
Then bounds into the night,
A great bird.
Do you hear that sound?
And there,
There I stand with my guitar, flat-footed and thunderstruck in paradise.
The heavens unlock, break open and
The rays of a greater sun shine into the night.
O, do you hear that sound?
A sound as beautiful and profane as day and night,
God and the very angels,
I die in that sound,
I am reborn in that sound.
I am the sun, the plain,
The unfathomable continuity,
I am.