When she fell asleep on the couch with Richard, Hormat had no plans to return home that night but soon woke in a panic. She put on her clothes and rushed out of the apartment just as dawn began to throw its shadows.
Alfonz was in bed when she got home and snuggled up next to her as she slipped in.
Hormat lay in his arms staring at nothing, unable to sleep. She was upset and afraid. She could not remember being so afraid.
They were as they always had been, but it was different now, it was as though Alfonz was in another dimension, distant. She turned and clung to him fiercely, unable to stifle her tears.
Alfonz woke, kissed her on the forehead and asked what was wrong.
She shivered and closed her eyes. Nothing, it had been a bad day at work: a drunk, and she was allergic to something and she was just so frustrated. That is all. Bad day.
She got up and knocked around in the medicine cabinet, wiping her tears and biting her lip.
In a moment, she returned to bed and told Alfonz that she had taken some medicine, it would be all right, go back to sleep.
Hormat did not sleep. The sun continued to rise without the least concern for her difficulty.
Alfonz would be getting up soon. She would need to be at the coffee house that afternoon. Life kept going, there was no escape.