When Hormat first came to New York, she visited Blinky’s a number of times to see Alfonz’ show. Afterwards, they would go get something to eat at a diner near Washington Square.
Then, they would go home to curl up in bed, talk what was coming and, as often as not, make love before going to sleep.
But her hours at ‘No Where’ were almost the same as Alfonz’ hours at ‘Blinky’s’, which meant they usually arrived home around the same time.
Thus, it became the responsibility of whoever got home first to make a late night snack for them both before they curled up together in bed.
Soon, however, Alfonz’ idea began to work- or at least it seemed like it did: he was meeting people and getting invited to auditions, the ones that counted.
More and more often he would be late after the show talking to someone about an audition or part of the act, and then he would have to get up early to be somewhere the next day, which meant he would go straight to bed as soon as he got home.
The time they had together shrank.
Now, Hormat took her time getting home from an evening at ‘No Where’, sometimes hanging out with La Guardia, the other waitress, or some regulars and smoking another joint and talking.
On her way home, she would stop at the little all night market On Thompson St, near W. Houston, for some fruit, vegetables and maybe some sausage for a snack and something to make for lunch the next day.
Hormat was the first to cheat.