Simple Changes

I watched the door close behind him,

heard its soft click.

And the memory would not leave but burnt all the color from my eyes.

Sightless, I now see as the wind feels.


My friends speak to me

Using words bent,

Screwed and

Wound through

Steel forming machines.


I answer with


Tire nuts and

Spaghetti ladles;

Sounds I cannot account for. Words and feelings I suppose.

Radio Voice

You smile

His desire touches your breasts your thighs your womb

(In the closet

words boots and shoes

tumble to the floor)

You offer your body

And I surrender.

My Boy

From my desk, I watched him leave.

He was quiet, respectful, careful not to disturb.

Thinking, I suppose, that I would not notice.

Thinking, I suppose, I would care to live without him.


Now, I spend my days carefully removing the labels from every memory

washing each and scrubbing them all identically white

hoping to forget that I saw him go,

watched him go, let him go.